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Модератор форума: Monstr64, ICE  
Зомби мод v.1.25 (zombie Mod 1.25 )
Monstr64 Дата: Понедельник, 14.07.2008, 11:43 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: ..::МоДеРаТоР::..
Сообщений: 56
Репутация: 7
Замечания: 0% ±
Мод прикольный

Author: Dobby

This mod adds a whole new gametype to CoD4 which is sure to make you horror
fans drool. There are two teams, the "Hunters" and the "Zombies". Game starts
out with everyone being a hunter for two minutes, then someone is randomly
picked as a zombie. That zombie must go out and kill as many hunters as he can
with a knife or a throwing skull (blood pumping yet?) The game keeps on going
till everyone is a zombie. The last hunter left alive is known as the last man
standing, he gets an advantage to fight off the huge amount of zombies. This
includes the superweapon, doing three times the amount of damage, but only with
25 shots. There is a bunch of extra commands in there for you server admins if
you feel like editing some of the settings. If this lengthy paragraph and the
screenshots below have not convinced you to try out this mod then I don't know
what will, maybe the very in-depth read-me below.

Version 1.25 of Dobby's Zombie mod
New modfolder: cod4\mods\zom_db - use this to keep cross-server ranking.

This version is mainly a bugfix for those found in v1.2, but also introduces
several new features.


Changes from v1.2:

*Fixed bug where zombies blown up by mines don't drop stuff
*Fixed invisible class pick menus
*Fixed special timer on the dog's avoid mines ability
*Fixed winning/losing message covering up the credits
*Fixed zombies being able to suicide whilst picking a class
*Fixed rare glitch when a weapon floats above a dog
*Fixed (lastman) laser fastfire glitch
*Fixed zombies' head textures looking weird
*Fixed a menu exploit that allows people to change their zombie class instantly
and pick attributes from more than one
*Fixed dog health bug (health is now 200)
*Fixed zombie health jumping straight back to full instead of regenerating
*Fixed red (low health) scoreboard icon for hunters

*Added ranking up to Level 101
killing a hunter = 30xp
killing a zombie = 10xp
headshots = 20xp
mining a zombie = 5xp
becoming/killing the lastman: 200xp
end of game - you get one tenth of your score as XP e.g. 4732 scoreboard points
= 473xp

Rank perks:
Level 33+: Hunters run faster, zombies regen health faster
Level 66+: Hunters have three mines/zombies have three skulls
Level 100+: Hunters place decoys, zombies disguise as hunters

*Added a confirmation message to suicide for hunters because people always said
"b - x for superweapon!!1!11"
*Added a 'Favourite this server' button in the menus
*Added scr_perks
*Added scr_rpg
*Added scr_timescale and scr_timetime
*Added golden mines for rank 100 players
*Added a few more anti-exploit spots
*Added a delay before anticamp start on the lastman
*Added a dog killicon for when a dog kills a hunter
*Added fs_game restrictions: can't use modszomdb or modszomdb1.2 - sorry,
because of ranking stuff and people would have to redownload the mod and all

*Removed (lastman) laser fire beam (got messy)
*Removed deathicons from dead bodies
*Names of teammates are always visible until a zombie is picked, at which time
scr_showteam takes effect
*Dogs who are the first zombie picked start with 200hp instead of 1000
*Zombies can pick up guns in the postgame period
*XP gains show up in red for zombies, green for hunters
*Limited lastman laser ammo to 25 shots
*Replaced poison zombie scoreboard icon with the green health icon (stupid
engine limits)
*Changed thirdperson crosshair image, and increased range so the player's head
isn't always in the way
*Changed ring of fire FX
*Changed missing zom.cfg behaviour...default settings are used instead of
halting the game.

Changes from v1.1:

*Added a new zombie class, 'rabid dog'.
-Special ability: Avoid mines (lasts 15 secs, dogs slow down whilst using
it..recharge time = 25 seconds)
-Health: 100
-(Bite) damage: 15
-Can't mantle or climb ladders
-130% speed

*Hunters become immune to poison after 3 (poison) hits. This is pretty rare
because it takes two hits to kill them after all of the damage, but hunters can
pick up healthpacks.

*Fixed mantle/ladder bug whilst holding a skull - it would switch to the knife
when you get off
*Fixed bug where two mines/healthpacks would be dropped if a zombie was killed
by a mine
*Fixed bug where a zombie picking a class would get killed, if a mine was close
enough and a live zombie triggered it
*Semi-fixed bug where the console would scroll for a zombie who is picking a
class- it doesn't scroll, but sometimes messages cover up the pick menu

*Modded all English intel to be relevant to the mod

*Made graves rotate to a random angle when they are spawned
*Tweaked some zombie skins
*Improved healthpack models
*Replaced fire zombie scoreboard icon
*Replaced scr_maxscore with scr_lastcamp

*Added scoreboard icons for the hunters' states of health: <33 = red, <66 =
orange, 67+ = green
*Added red FX thingy around poison zombies when they use zombie call
*Added a crosshair for thirdperson (doesn't help much but some people asked)
*Added protection against map IWD's in the modfolder, and an unpure folder
called 'zomdb1.2' as this is the one I'll use
*Added an autofix for when g_gametype isn't 'zom' - rotates the map after 20
*Added back the scorebar borders in the bottom left of the screen

*Overhauled class picking menu system - there's a picture for each zombie
*Improved FX e.g. ring of fire & lightning strike, to add distortion and use
cloud shaders instead of blobs
*Each class of zombie has a different effect when their body disappears
*Hunters don't drop weapons if they die before a zombie is picked; to stop
people cheating and getting two weapons
*Zombies can knife/bite by clicking (when they're not holding the USE key)
*Mines spin whilst they fly up to explode
*Made team radar icons invisible
*Cut down on mine explosion effect
*Dogs growl instead of moaning
*Changed fire zombie icon
*Changed lightning strike damage to 30


New config options:

set lastfirstzom "lolol" // ignore
set scr_mines 1 // 1/0 - enable/disable mines
set scr_unlimitedammo 1 // enable/disable unlimited ammo for the hunters
set scr_c4 0 // set to the number of c4 packs players are allowed to throw at
set scr_zommusic 3 // music to use, 0 = disable, 1 = the mp3 in the IWD of the
mod, 2-5 = various COD4 tracks
set zom_debug 0 // ignore
set scr_hunskull 10 // at this amount of hunters (or less) fast zombies get
skulls to throw
set scr_graves 1 // 1/0 - enable/disable graves when hunters die
set scr_zomfire 0 // -1/0/1 - FX control for fire zombies, -1 = no effect, 0 =
simple sprites, 1 = sprites + lights + distortion
set scr_health 100 // default starting health of hunters
set scr_invert 0 // 1/0 - enable/disable inverted screen when the lastman is
set scr_gl 0 // 0/1 - enable/disable grenade launchers
set scr_rpg 1 // 0/1 - enable/disable RPGs
set scr_fog 2 // 0/1/2 - 0 = no fog, 1 = map fog, 2 = black zombie fog

set scr_drops 1
//0/1/2 - 0 turns healthpacks/mines when zombies die off, 1 makes all zombies
drop healthpacks
//2 does the same, but the zombie who was randomly picked drops a mine instead

set scr_ignorelastzom 0 // 1/0 set to 1 if the mod is having trouble picking
set scr_lastman 1 // 1/0 - enable/disable lastman with laser
set scr_gravity 800 // persistent gravity setting
set scr_class "" // force zombies to pick a specific class. Options: fast,
poison, normal, electric, fire, dog, ""
set scr_starttime 120 // time in seconds until a zombie is picked - minimum is
set scr_showteam 1 // 1/0 - enable/disable overhead team names (always visible
before a zombie is picked)
set scr_killerdrops 0 // 1 = only let the hunter who killed the zombie pick up
his healthpack/mine, 0 = let anyone
set scr_falldamage 1 // 1/0 - enable/disable fall damage
set scr_lastcamp 0 // 0 = anticamp for lastman, 1 = none
set scr_msgdelay 25 // delay between iprintln server messages (seconds)
set scr_perks 1 // 1/0 - enable/disable rank perks (at level 33, 66, 100)

//messages for the bottom left of the screen
//sv_msg0 (not a dvar you can use) shows the current spawn health of hunters
set sv_msg1 "^2My Xfire: novemberdobby"
set sv_msg2 "^2Several exploit spots are blocked"
set sv_msg3 "^2Asking for boosts WILL GET YOU KICKED/BANNED!"
set sv_msg4 "^2Camo is random"
set sv_msg5 "^2USE key and ATTACK will use your special ability"
set sv_msg7 "^2Your score = total damage done to enemies"
set sv_msg8 "^2The quickmessage menu is now USEFUL"
set sv_msg9 "^2Rank 33+: Hunters run faster, zombies regen health faster"
set sv_msg10 "^2Rank 66+: Three mines/three skulls"
set sv_msg11 "^2Rank 100: Hunters place decoys, zombies disguise as hunters"


There are several errors that the mod will tell you about. A message will come
up on the server, and the server name will be changed to what it currently is +
the error message. This is the only way I can think of, as you won't usually be
in the server when it doesn't work.

-Using my modfolder (mods/zom_db) and putting any other IWD file in there will
error the server
-Using any modfolder and putting map IWD's (mp_mapname) in there will error the
server (put them in usermapsmapname!)
-Using my modfolder and modifying z_zomdb_ext.iwd will error the server
-Using the modfolder 'zomdb' or 'zomdb1.2' will error the server

Error: type string is not a localized string?

If 'logfile' is set to 1 or 2, the server won't start up properly. Set it to

If g_gametype is not set to zom, then the server will set it to that and rotate
the map after 20 seconds.

Due to engine limitations, there is no icon on the scoreboard for players who
are connecting or dead.

Dogs can sometimes get stuck mantling. Just suicide if this happens, I can't
fix it easily.

There are also several admin functions:
*scr_say - prints a large message on the server
*scr_saysmall - prints a small message on the server
*scr_spectateplayer - puts a player into full spectate. Several admins asked
for this function to see if people get out of the map.
*scr_killplayer - take action after seeing a player is out of the map, etc.
*scr_pausegame - 1/0, stops all players moving and puts up a 'paused' message
*scr_timescale - changes the speed of time - default 1, fun values are 0.5 and
*scr_timetime - the time between stepping up/down the speed of time...set to 0
if the server lags whilst changing timescale

Источник http://www.strategyinformer.com

Для тех кто никогда не играл в Call of Duty 4 Zombie Mod мы подготовили небольшой вводный материал.

CoD 4 Zombie создан на основе CoD 2 Zombie, созданным одним из западных модмейкеров - Paulus'ом. Первое официальное альфа тестирование было проведено на The Hunters Zombie server немногим позже после выхода игры, но вскоре клан распался и этот сервер был закрыт. Тогда мод был передан на бета-тестирование AfterLive.

Кто есть кто ?

The hunters (охотники) - уцелевших от зомби инфекции. У них есть оружие с помощью которого они могут отражать нападения зомби. The zombies (зомби) - зараженные люди, которые с помощью удара ножа заражают охотников.


Игровой процесс очень прост. При старте раунда все игроки на сервере становятся охотниками, за исключением лишь одного игрока, который становится зомби. Но даже один голодный до плоти мертвец устраивает всем остальным настоящий ад - одна гибель от рук зомби и вы переноситесь из команды людей в лагерь зомби до конца игры . С течением времени количество зомби растёт, и раунд заканчивается когда все игроки становятся зомби.

Готовятся к выходу обновления мода от 82ndID Zombies servers. Они будут в себя включать новое оружие (целых пять образцов) - новый нож, катана, бита, топор и еще один вариант который будет выбран по результатам голосования на www.cod4zombies.com . Также появятся 5 новых моделей игроков.

Zombie Mod - редкий случай, когда любительская модификация (одна из сотен, если не тысяч) не только обрела солидную популярность, но и смогла на базе знакомой игры сделать совершенно новую: со своей уникальной атмосферой и неимоверным желанием остаться в живых. Как можно дольше. Любой ценой.

NEW Call of Duty 4 Zombie Mod 1.25 |SMART| Server

Скачать мод здесь


Cshark Дата: Понедельник, 14.07.2008, 15:15 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: ..::МеГа АдМиН::..
Сообщений: 320
Репутация: 11
Зашибись biggrin
Только Вань,присмотрись к тексту там блин орфографических ошибок ппц аж.
А мод обязательно скачаю.

Monstr64 Дата: Вторник, 15.07.2008, 08:03 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: ..::МоДеРаТоР::..
Сообщений: 56
Репутация: 7
Замечания: 0% ±
Quote (Cshark)
присмотрись к тексту там блин орфографических ошибок ппц аж.

Паша я за ПРОМТ 8 -не в ответе

Cshark Дата: Вторник, 15.07.2008, 16:10 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: ..::МеГа АдМиН::..
Сообщений: 320
Репутация: 11
Monstr64, Ну как занешь. happy

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